“Instead of dumping materials, there are lots of transformation possibilities using your own furnishings!”
For Nnof, office furniture that needs replacing is no longer simply waste. It provides the raw material for Nnof interior designers to design new furnishings which dovetail perfectly with trendy new office design concepts. This design service fits in seamlessly with the principle of the circular economy. Instead of simply dumping existing office furniture, Nnof creates a new cycle that gives it a second or even third life.
A circular office set-up has numerous advantages:
- Less CO2 (up to 90% in some cases)
- Less waste
- Fewer new raw materials
- Lower total cost including a sound inventory study
- The same and often better results as regards quality and look & feel
- More local employment
- Concrete application of environmental measures in the workplace: this increases team involvement (our operations are also EMAS en ISO 14001 certified)
Nnof supports businesses with this circular organisation and has developed a seven-step model in order to bring the process to a successful conclusion. Starting from a concept definition and the associated look & feel, this model works to produce an exhaustive inventory (using a tablet-based application), progressing to an image quality plan and a bullet plan, and ultimately arriving at a concrete product-by-product transformation procedure.
Moreover, the CO2 emissions are precisely calculated for every piece of Nnof furniture using a unique LCA tool (Life Cycle Assessment tool, created by RCD and critically consolidated by the University of Liège and the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands). This tool calculates the CO2 emissions over the entire lifespan of a piece of furniture, from acquisition of the raw materials used via the logistics, production and utilisation, up to and including disposal. The CO2 emissions that are prevented are expressed in mass (kg) and distances that do not need to be driven (km). We record this saving in an LCA certificate, which you will receive following implementation and installation.
In most cases we arrive at a decrease in CO2 of approximately 80%. Given the guidelines stipulating our need to reduce CO2 by 80% by 2050, it becomes clear that Nnof is helping you go a very long way.
Curious about this innovative sustainable approach? We will be happy to investigate the transformation potential of your current furnishings.